PROGRESS (Patient-Reported Outcomes of Genital Reconstruction and Experiences of Surgical Satisfaction) for phalloplasty and metoidioplasty, is an international, cross-sectional study of outcomes of phalloplasty and metoidioplasty for trans and non-binary people that is comprehensive and driven by lived experience. The ultimate goal of this project is to support the well-being of trans and non-binary people who undergo the gender-affirming genital surgeries of phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty. Within the present study, our aim is to conduct an online survey developed by and for those who have had phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty. Results of the study will be used to inform community members, surgeons, other healthcare providers, and academics about patient experiences of surgical preparation and outcomes.
Why is this research important?
For some trans and non-binary people, having surgery to alter their genitals is a necessary aspect of their medical transition process. To date, research has mostly focused on outcomes of these surgeries that are most useful to surgeons who conduct them. So, many aspects of surgery important to patients are not well-documented. To fill this gap, and, more importantly, gather information that our community needs about typical outcomes, we created this survey.
Project objectives:
To characterize the experiences of people who have undergone gender-affirming phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty surgery.
To document patient goals and experiences of phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty surgery, and whether expectations were met through the surgical process
To explore how self-reported health and well-being have been impacted by undergoing phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty surgery
To gather and formalize community knowledge and experiences to share with those considering having phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty surgeries
To lay a groundwork for further investigation into patient experiences with phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty surgeries
This research is part of a dissertation for the Social Dimensions of Health program at the University of Victoria. It is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Transition to Leadership Award. Our research partners include TransCare BC and the Community- Based Research Centre (CBRC).