Demographic Snap Stats

Amount of participants from the United states is 182 or 84%, amount from Canada is 33 or 15%. The total is 215. follow us on twitter or instagram @progresscolab

Snap stat 1- Amount of participants from Canada or the United states
33 participants (15.3%) were Canadian. 182 were from the United states or 84.7% for a total of 215


Snap stat #2. Which of these best described the place you live? Urban or large city, 130 or 59%. Medium size city, 43 or 19%. Small city, 18 or 8%, remote or rural, 21 or 9%. follow us on twitter or Instagram @progresscolab

Snap stat #2
With regard to city size we asked which of these best describes the place you live?
130 or 59.4 percent of participants lived in an urban or large city
43 or 19.5% lived in a medium sized city
18 or 8.2% lived in a small city
At 21 or 9.8% lived rurally or remotely


Snap Stat #3, which is the highest level of education you've received? Less than high school, 6%, some college or university 14%, college or university degree, 48% and graduate school or degree, 30%. follow us on twitter or instagram @progresscolab

Snap stat #3 what is the highest level of education you’ve received?
30.7% attended Graduate School or had a graduate degree
48.6% had a college or university degree new line 14.6% had some college or university but not the jury
And 6.1% or high school graduates or did not complete high school


Snap Stat #4. What is your current employment status? 140, full time, 25 part time, less than 25 responses for each of the following: disability or EI, retired, student or other. follow us on twitter or instagram @progresscolab.

Snap stat #4 – what is your current employment status?
Almost 150 of our participants were employed full-time
about 25 Were employed part time
less than 10 participants were disabled or on EI
another 10 or less we’re retired or on a pension
about 25 participants were full


Snap Stat #5. What was your household income in 2020? 25 or 11% reported less than 20,000 a year. 40 or 19% reported between 20 and 50,000 a year. 55 or 24% reported 50 to 80,000 a year, 25 or 11% reported more than 80 and less than 100,000. 55 or 25% had an income of over 100,00 per year.

Snap stat #5 – what was your total household income in 2020?
25.6% of our sample had an income higher then $100,000 a year
11.6% had income between 80 and 100,000 a year
24.7% had between 50,000 and $80,000 a year an overall income
19.1% had between 20,000 and 50,000
and 11.2% had an income of less than $20,000



Snap stat #7- are you perceived or treated as a person of colour?
176 participants or 83% said no
29 or 13.7% said yes
7 or 3.3% said not sure


Snap stat #8 – which of these best describes you (select all that apply)
6.5% said they are asexual
24.2% said their bisexual
21.4% reported being gay
9.3% selected heteroflexible
14.9% selected pansexual
37.7% selected Queer
27.9% selected straight


Snap stat #9 – do you have a disability or chronic health condition?
129 or 6 61.4% of our sample said no
68 people or 32.4% said yes
and 13 participants or 6.2% said unsure


Snap stat #10 – are you neurodivergent?
96 participants or 45.5% said no
40.3% or 85 participants said yes
30 participants or 14.2% said maybe


Snap stat #11 – which of the following best describes you (select all that apply)?
Among participants who selected yes to being neurodivergent, 18.1% reported being autistic
25.6 percent reported having ADHD
6.5% reported having a DD and 1.9% reported having Tourette’s


Snap stat #12 – how old are you?
13% of our sample is between the ages of 18 and 24
53.4% were between the ages of 25 and 35
23.1% or between the ages of 36 and 50
9.6% were between the ages of 50 and 65


Snap stat #13 – which procedures have you had?
111 participants or 51.6% had phalloplasty
83 or 38.6% had metoidioplasty
21 people or 9.8% had both phalloplasty and metoidioplasty